
Anna Marie Saturnino


The demand for clean and safe drinking water is ever-increasing in the Philippines. Most Filipinos rely on water refilling stations for safe drinking water, making water refilling stations a good business venture. 

This blog post will guide you through the essentials of starting a water refilling station business, including its advantages and disadvantages and tips for success.

Why a Water Refilling Station Is a Good Business

High Demand for Clean Drinking Water

The need for safe and affordable drinking water is constant. Filipinos rely heavily on water refilling stations, especially in urban areas where tap water is often unsafe. This steady demand ensures a consistent customer base, making it a lucrative business opportunity.

Low Operating Costs

Once the initial investment is made, which can cost anywhere from 80,000 to 500,000 pesos in equipment and location, the day-to-day operating costs of a water refilling station are relatively low. The primary expenses include water, electricity, and maintenance, which are manageable compared to other businesses like laundry shops, pharmacies, or pet grooming shops.


Starting small with a basic setup, you can quickly expand your water refilling station business as demand grows. Adding more equipment like brine tanks, reverse osmosis machines, and booster pumps or opening new branches can significantly increase your revenue without requiring an extensive overhaul.

Positive Impact on the Community

By providing safe drinking water at an affordable price, your business can positively impact the community. This can add a sense of fulfillment and build customer loyalty.

The amount of water sold per gallon or container typically depends on the type of processed water you offer, such as purified, alkaline, or mineral water. On average, water refilling stations sell water in 5-gallon containers, with prices varying between PHP 25 to PHP 60 per container, depending on the water type and location. 

Disadvantages of a Water Refilling Station Business in the Philippines

High Initial Capital Requirement

The initial investment in a water refilling station can be higher than that of other small businesses, such as franchising food carts. Costs include purchasing equipment, installing water purification systems, securing rental fees, and obtaining necessary permits. On average, starting a water refilling station from scratch may require around PHP 80,000 to PHP 500,000, depending on the size and location. 

While the initial capital is substantial, the long-term potential for steady income and community demand makes it a viable investment for aspiring entrepreneurs willing to overcome this financial barrier.

Strict Maintenance and Compliance with Safety Standards

Regular maintenance of filters, water tanks, pumps, and purifying devices is needed for compliance with health and safety standards. Neglecting these can lead to operational issues and even legal troubles, potentially resulting in costly fines or business closure.

High Competition

With the popularity of water refilling stations, competition is stiff, especially in densely populated areas. Standing out in a saturated market requires strategic planning and exceptional service to attract and retain customers.

Dependency on Local Water Supply

The success of your water refilling station heavily depends on the availability of a reliable water source. Water shortages or contamination can disrupt operations and lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Is a Water Refilling Station a Profitable Business?

A water refilling station can be a profitable business if managed well. With a consistent customer base, sales can quickly cover operating expenses and yield a decent profit. A well-established station can earn a net income ranging from PHP 30,000 to PHP 50,000 per month, depending on location and customer volume. The key to profitability lies in managing costs, maintaining quality, and building a loyal customer base.

How to Start a Water Refilling Station Business

Round water gallons in a water refilling station business

1. Conduct Market Research

Before launching your water refilling station business, conducting thorough market research is essential. Identify areas with high demand for clean drinking water, assess the competition, and analyze customer preferences. Determine whether your target market prefers purified, alkaline, or mineral water and evaluate competitors’ pricing strategies. 

Additionally, understanding the demographics and behavior of your potential customers will allow you to tailor your services accordingly. Market research helps you gauge the business’s viability, identify potential challenges, and uncover opportunities, making it a crucial first step to ensure the long-term success of your venture.

2. Secure a Suitable Location

    Choosing the right location is one of the most critical decisions for your water refilling station. Look for areas with high foot traffic near residential communities, schools, and commercial establishments. The ideal location should be easily accessible and have ample parking space. 

    You must ensure that the area has a stable water supply to meet operational demands. Proximity to your target market will reduce delivery costs and increase convenience for walk-in customers. A strategically chosen location directly impacts the success and growth of your business, as it influences customer reach and operational efficiency.

    3. Acquire Necessary Permits and Licenses

      Starting a water refilling station requires compliance with local laws and regulations. First, obtain the necessary business permits from your local government unit (LGU), typically including a mayor’s permit and a barangay clearance. You will also need a sanitary license and accreditation from the Department of Health (DOH) to ensure that the water you provide is safe for consumption. 

      Failure to secure these permits could result in fines or even the closure of your business. Ensuring you have all the proper documentation protects your business and builds customer trust.

      4. Purchase Quality Equipment

        Investing in top-notch equipment is essential for the successful operation of your water refilling station. Key items include high-grade water purification systems, filtration units, UV sterilizers, storage tanks, and dispensing machines. Ensure the equipment you purchase meets the standards set by health authorities to guarantee the safety of the water you sell. 

        Reliable equipment minimizes breakdowns and costly repairs, contributing to smoother operations. While the upfront cost may be high, it is a long-term investment in your business’s success and reputation, as the quality of your water directly impacts customer satisfaction and retention.

        5. Hire Skilled Staff

          Hiring competent and skilled staff is vital for maintaining your water refilling station’s operational and service quality. Employees should be well-trained in handling water purification equipment, conducting routine maintenance, and ensuring hygiene standards are always met. 

          Great customer service is equally important, as staff members will interact with customers and represent your business. Providing continuous employee training will enhance their skills and improve overall service efficiency. Ensure your staff is knowledgeable about safety protocols and customer handling to build a trustworthy brand and gain customer loyalty.

          6. Market Your Business

            Effective marketing plays a crucial role in attracting customers to your water refilling station, especially if you choose to start from scratch over franchising. Start by promoting your business through various online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and local community groups. Offline marketing strategies like distributing flyers, offering discounts for first-time customers, and collaborating with nearby businesses can also increase visibility. 

            Additionally, emphasize your competitive advantages, such as providing purified, alkaline, mineral water or home delivery services. A well-rounded marketing approach will help establish your brand, build customer awareness, and differentiate you from competitors in an increasingly competitive market.

            7. Prepare Your Capital

              Starting a water refilling station requires significant capital investment compared to other small business ideas in the Philippines. On average, starting from scratch could cost between PHP 300,000 and PHP 600,000, depending on the size and scale of your business. This includes the cost of equipment, permits, and initial supplies. 

              Alternatively, franchising is an option if you prefer an established brand. Some popular franchises, like AquaBest and Bluewaters, offer packages ranging from PHP 500,000 to PHP 1.2 million. Franchising can ease some operational challenges by providing training and equipment. 

              Either way, proper capital planning is essential to sustaining long-term operations. 

              8. Prepare an Emergency Fund

                Running a water refilling station involves ongoing expenses, and unforeseen costs can sometimes arise. To mitigate financial risks, it’s wise to prepare an emergency fund. This fund can cover unexpected repairs, equipment malfunctions, or sudden increases in operational costs like electricity or water bills. 

                Having a reserve of at least 3 to 6 months of operating expenses can keep your business running smoothly during challenging periods. An emergency fund provides financial security and ensures that your services remain uninterrupted, which is crucial for maintaining customer trust and business continuity.

                Tips to Succeed in Your Water Refilling Station Business

                1. Maintain High-Quality Standards
                  Consistently provide clean and safe drinking water by regularly maintaining your equipment and adhering to health regulations. High-quality water will build customer trust and ensure repeat business.
                2. Build Strong Customer Relationships
                  Engage with your customers and provide excellent service. Loyalty programs, discounts, or personalized services can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage word-of-mouth referrals.
                3. Keep Up with Industry Trends
                  Stay updated on the latest water purification technologies and industry best practices. Regularly review guidelines released by institutions like the Department of Health (DOH) and the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) to ensure compliance with local regulations. Adapting to changes and innovations will keep your business competitive and efficient.
                4. Monitor and Manage Costs
                  Keep a close eye on your operating expenses and seek ways to minimize costs without compromising quality. Efficient cost management will help maximize your profits and ensure the sustainability of your business.
                5. Find the Right Suppliers
                  Partnering with reliable suppliers is crucial for ensuring the consistent quality of water and equipment. To maintain high standards, make sure to source your supplies from trusted vendors.
                6. Understand and Sell Different Types of Processed Water
                  Familiarize yourself with the different types of processed water, such as purified, alkaline, and mineral water. Offering various options can attract a broader customer base and meet diverse needs.
                7. Prepare an Emergency Fund
                  Having an emergency fund is essential to cover unexpected expenses or operational disruptions. This financial safety net can help your business stay afloat during challenging times.
                8. Reuse wastewater from the refilling station
                  To produce 100 five-gallon containers, you’ll need about 2,000 liters of raw water, but only 40% will be suitable for drinking, leaving 60% as wastewater. Instead of discarding this water, you can repurpose it to clean, water plants, or even start an adjacent car wash or laundry business. Reusing wastewater helps reduce operational costs and promotes sustainability, making your business more eco-friendly.

                Final Thoughts

                Starting a water refilling station business in the Philippines offers a promising opportunity to tap into the growing demand for clean drinking water. While the initial investment and competition may be challenging, the potential for profitability and positive community impact make it a viable venture. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you can establish a successful and sustainable water refilling station business.


                How much is the capital for a water refilling station business?

                The capital required to start a water refilling station typically starts at 80,000 depending on the business’s location, equipment, and scale.

                How much can you earn in a water refilling station?

                A well-managed water refilling station can earn between PHP 30,000 and PHP 50,000 per month, depending on location, customer base, and operational efficiency.

                Is it better to avail of a water refilling station franchise than start from the ground up?

                Franchising offers the advantage of an established brand, operational support, and a proven business model. However, starting from scratch gives you more control and flexibility regarding branding, pricing, and operations. The choice depends on your preferences and resources.

                The bigasan business, or rice retailing, remains one of the most promising small business in the Philippines. As reported by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2020, the average Filipino consumes approximately 325.5 grams of milled rice per day, or 118.81 kilograms per year.

                With rice being a staple in every Filipino household makes a bigasan business a lucrative opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

                This guide will walk you through the advantages, challenges, earning potential, and steps to starting a successful bigasan business in 2024.

                Advantages of Rice Retailing Business in the Philippines

                Starting a bigasan business offers several key advantages:

                1. Constant Demand: Rice is essential to the Filipino diet, ensuring steady demand year-round. With over 100 million Filipinos consuming rice daily, your product has a consistent market.
                2. Low Capital Requirement: Unlike other businesses that require a significant upfront investment, a bigasan business can be started with relatively low capital for as low as PhP 50,000. You can begin by selling a few rice sacks and gradually expanding as your customer base grows.
                3. High-Profit Margins: Rice retailing can yield high-profit margins, especially if you buy in bulk and secure discounts from suppliers. By offering various rice varieties, you can cater to different market segments and maximize profits.

                Disadvantages of Bigasan Store

                While the bigasan business offers numerous advantages, it also comes with several challenges that aspiring entrepreneurs must consider. One of the critical disadvantages is the perishability of rice. Rice can spoil within three months if not stored correctly, leading to financial losses. 

                Additionally, managing inventory requires careful attention, as overstocking can increase the risk of spoilage while understocking may lead to missed sales opportunities. Storage conditions are crucial in maintaining rice quality; temperature, humidity, and pest control must be monitored closely. Lastly, fluctuating rice prices can impact profit margins, making it challenging to maintain stable revenue.

                Is Bigasan Business Profitable?

                Yes, the bigasan business can be highly profitable. The key to maximizing earnings lies in strategic sourcing and pricing. You can achieve substantial profit margins by purchasing wholesale rice and selling it at a competitive retail price. 

                Also, diversifying your offerings and including popular rice types in the Philippines, such as Sinandomeng, Dinorado, and Jasmine, can attract a broader customer base and increase sales. Catering to customers’ preferences for premium or affordable rice varieties helps meet varying demands, ensuring a steady flow of income and boosting your business’s profitability.

                How to Start a Bigasan Business

                Local Market Research

                Begin by conducting thorough local market research to understand the demand for rice in your area. Identify your target market, including households, small businesses, or restaurants. Study your competitors—look at the types of rice they offer, their pricing strategies, and their customer base. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses will help you differentiate your business. Knowing which rice varieties are in demand can help you tailor your offerings to meet customer preferences. Additionally, analyzing local economic factors will give you insights into pricing strategies and purchasing behavior, helping you position your business for success.

                Choose a Good Location for Your Bigasan Store

                The location of your bigasan is crucial to attracting customers and ensuring steady sales. Choose a spot with high foot traffic—near residential communities, markets, or public transportation hubs. Convenience is critical, as customers are more likely to buy from you if your store is easily accessible.

                Proximity to crucial areas like wet markets or grocery stores can also boost visibility. Make sure the location has sufficient space for displaying and storing your rice, and consider the foot traffic pattern, as this will influence how many walk-in customers you can attract daily.

                Secure Reliable Rice Suppliers

                sacks of rice

                Partnering with trustworthy rice suppliers is essential for maintaining the quality and consistency of your stock. Look for suppliers who offer a variety of rice types, such as Sinandomeng, Dinorado, and Jasmine, as well as affordable bulk options. Build strong relationships by negotiating favorable terms, such as flexible payment schedules or bulk discounts. 

                Reliable suppliers ensure your inventory stays consistent, reducing the risk of running out of popular varieties. Regular quality checks and open communication will help prevent issues with subpar rice, which can damage your store’s reputation and lead to customer dissatisfaction.

                Obtain Necessary Permits

                Legally establishing your bigasan business is a critical step. Begin by registering your business with the local government unit (LGU) and obtaining the necessary permits, including a barangay clearance and a mayor’s permit. You’ll also need to register with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for tax purposes. 

                Compliance with local regulations protects your business from potential fines or closures and builds customer trust. Having all the proper documentation signals to customers that you’re operating a legitimate and reliable business. Check with your local government for specific requirements, as regulations may vary depending on your location.

                Set Up Your Store

                Invest in durable storage solutions to preserve your rice’s freshness and prevent spoilage. Ensure that the store is well-ventilated to maintain optimal storage conditions and protect the rice from pests, moisture, and mold. Arrange your store to display the different rice varieties you offer, along with visible pricing. Use containers or sacks that make it easy for customers to see the rice’s quality. 

                A clean, organized store layout will create an inviting atmosphere, encouraging customers to return. Additionally, setting up security measures is essential to protect your store and inventory from theft or damage.

                Make Your Price List

                Developing a competitive pricing list is essential to ensure your bigasan business’s profitability. Start by determining the cost of each rice variety per kilo and sack, then factor in overhead costs like storage, transportation, and labor. 

                Popular rice varieties in the Philippines, such as Sinandomeng, Dinorado, and Jasmine, are usually priced between PHP 35 and PHP 60 per kilo, depending on quality and region. Offering a range of prices for different rice types allows you to cater to a wider market. Ensure your pricing is competitive without sacrificing profit margins, and update prices as needed based on market conditions.

                Market Your Bigasan

                Market your bigasan business on Facebook

                To attract customers, you’ll need a solid marketing strategy. Start by spreading the word in your local community through flyers, posters, and word-of-mouth recommendations. Social media platforms like Facebook can help you reach a broader audience, especially by showcasing special offers, promotions, or bulk discounts. 

                Offer discounts for first-time buyers or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business. Partnering with local food vendors or restaurants can also increase your exposure. Additionally, highlight the quality of your rice and emphasize any unique selling points, such as offering premium or hard-to-find varieties, to differentiate your store from competitors.

                Tips to Keep Your Bigasan Up and Running

                Store Rice Properly

                Proper rice storage is essential in maintaining its quality and preventing spoilage. Rice should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture, as exposure to humidity can lead to mold growth and insect infestations. 

                Invest in airtight storage containers to protect the rice from pests and maintain its freshness. Consider using dehumidifiers to control humidity levels, especially in damp areas. By ensuring optimal storage conditions, you can extend the shelf life of your rice, reduce wastage, and minimize financial losses from spoilage.

                Manage Your Inventory

                Effective inventory management is key to keeping your bigasan business running smoothly. Implement a system where you can regularly track your stock levels, ensuring you don’t overstock, which can lead to spoilage, or understock, which can result in missed sales. The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is a reliable approach—this ensures that older rice is sold first, minimizing the risk of selling stale or spoiled rice. Properly managing your inventory reduces waste and helps maintain the quality of your product, which is essential for building customer trust and loyalty.

                Maximize Discounts from Suppliers

                Building solid relationships with reliable suppliers can significantly benefit your business. Purchasing rice in bulk often allows for discounts, which can lower your overall costs. These savings can be used to increase your profit margins. Additionally, establishing a long-term partnership with suppliers may provide opportunities for favorable credit terms, priority deliveries, or exclusive access to high-demand rice varieties. To maximize these benefits, negotiate regularly and monitor market trends affecting rice prices.

                Be Careful About Selling on Credit

                Offering credit to customers can attract more business, but it also carries risks, such as delayed payments. Before extending credit, set clear and enforceable terms, including payment deadlines, limits on credit availability, and penalties for late payments. It’s essential to be cautious when dealing with new customers—limit credit initially until a reliable payment history is established. Keep detailed records of credit transactions to ensure timely collections. While credit can help grow your customer base, it’s essential to carefully manage it to avoid cash flow problems and bad debts.


                Starting a bigasan business in 2024 offers a promising opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines. With careful planning, proper inventory management, and strategic marketing, you can build a successful rice retailing business that caters to the constant demand for rice in Filipino households.


                How much is the capital for Bigasan?

                The initial capital for a bigasan business can range from PHP 50,000 to PHP 100,000.

                How much can you earn from selling rice?

                Earnings can vary, but a small bigasan can generate a monthly profit of PHP 10,000 to PHP 30,000.

                The milk tea craze in the Philippines began around 2010 and quickly became a favorite among Filipinos, especially the youth. Even in 2024, the demand for milk tea remains high, making it a lucrative business venture. With the right approach, a milk tea business can offer substantial earning potential, with successful stores earning thousands of pesos daily. 

                If you’re eager to tap into the thriving milk tea market, this guide will show you how to start your own milk tea business and why now is the perfect time for it.

                Steps to Start a Milk Tea Business

                1. Market Research and Location Scouting

                Before starting, it’s essential to understand your target market. Conduct surveys or studies to determine what milk tea flavors and types are popular in your area. Additionally, choosing a strategic location is crucial—look for places with high foot traffic, such as near schools, offices, or malls.

                2. Create a Unique Brand and Menu

                The milk tea market is competitive, so your brand needs to stand out. Develop a catchy name, logo, and theme that resonates with your target audience. Curate a menu that offers a variety of flavors and customizable options, including toppings like pearls, puddings, and jellies, to cater to different tastes.

                3. Secure Suppliers and Ingredients

                Quality ingredients are vital to the success of your milk tea business. Partner with reliable suppliers who can consistently provide high-quality tea leaves, milk, sugar, and toppings. Opt for suppliers who offer competitive prices without compromising quality to ensure good profit margins.

                4. Purchase Equipment

                Invest in the necessary equipment to streamline your operations. The equipment should be durable and efficient to meet daily demands. See the list of required equipment below.

                5. Obtain the Necessary Permits and Licenses

                Compliance with local regulations is critical even if you only get into a small business in the Philippines. Apply for business permits, health clearances, and other necessary legal licenses. This step is crucial to avoid fines or business interruptions in the future.

                6. Hire and Train Staff

                Your staff will be the face of your business, so it’s important to hire friendly, skilled, and efficient employees. Provide comprehensive training on customer service, milk tea preparation, and maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards.

                7. Set Up Your Shop and Start Marketing

                Once everything is in place, it’s time to set up your shop. Make sure the layout is appealing and functional. Simultaneously, start marketing your food business to create buzz and attract customers.

                Equipment You Need for a Milk Tea Business

                • Blenders: For making smooth and consistent milk tea mixtures.
                • Shakers: To mix ingredients thoroughly and create frothy drinks.
                • Sealing Machines: For sealing milk tea cups.
                • Ice Crushers: Essential for cold milk tea variants.
                • Refrigerators: Used to store perishable ingredients like milk and fruits.
                • Point of Sale (POS) System: For easy and efficient order processing and sales tracking.
                • Tea Brewing Machine: Ensures consistent brewing of tea, which is the base of your drinks.
                • Stove or Table Burner: Necessary for cooking tapioca pearls and other ingredients.
                • Strainer: To remove tea leaves and other solids from brewed tea.
                • Cooking Pot: Essential for cooking tapioca pearls and other ingredients.
                • Measuring Scoop: To measure ingredients accurately.
                • Tapioca Container: For storing and dispensing cooked tapioca pearls.
                • Dome Lids: Used for sealing cups that have toppings.
                • Cups and Lids: Essential for serving milk tea to customers.
                • Shaking Cups: Used to mix and shake the ingredients.
                • Water Dispenser: Provides easy access to water for tea brewing 
                • Cash Register: For handling cash transactions.
                • Oversized Straws: Essential for serving bubble tea with tapioca pearls.
                • Utensils: Includes items like spoons, ladles, and knives necessary for preparation and serving.

                How to Promote Your Milk Tea Business

                Online Marketing

                Social Media Advertising

                Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to showcase your products and engage with customers. Create eye-catching content, run promotions, and interact with your audience to build a loyal following. Also, incorporate popular and relevant hashtags into your posts to increase visibility. Hashtags help your content reach a broader audience beyond your immediate followers, making it easier for potential customers to discover your brand.

                Collaborate with Influencers

                Partner with influencers who align with your brand to reach a wider audience. Influencers can help you promote your milk tea business by sharing their experiences with your products, creating authentic content, and driving traffic to your social media pages.

                Food Delivery Apps

                Partner with apps like GrabFood and Foodpanda. These platforms can significantly increase your reach, allowing customers to order milk tea from the comfort of their homes.

                Offline Marketing

                Flyer Distribution

                To promote your shop, hand out flyers in nearby schools, offices, and other high-traffic areas. To attract more customers, offer special discounts or opening promos.

                Loyalty Programs

                Implement a loyalty program where customers earn points or stamps for each purchase, which they can redeem for free drinks. This encourages repeat business and customer loyalty.

                Referral Programs

                Create a referral program that rewards existing customers for bringing in new customers to your milk tea shop. Offer incentives such as discounts or free items to customers who refer their friends and family to your shop. This approach leverages word-of-mouth marketing and helps build a loyal customer base.

                Final Thoughts

                Starting a milk tea business in 2024 offers a promising opportunity for Filipino entrepreneurs. By carefully planning each step—from market research to marketing—you can set up a successful milk tea shop that stands out in a competitive market. With the right approach, dedication, and passion, your milk tea business can flourish and become a favorite spot for customers craving their daily fix of this beloved beverage.


                Is the milk tea business profitable?

                Yes, a milk tea business can be highly profitable. With the right location, pricing, and quality, a successful milk tea shop can earn between ₱5,000 to ₱20,000 per day, depending on the number of customers and the pricing of your products.

                How much is the capital for a milk tea business in the Philippines?

                The initial capital for starting a milk tea business in the Philippines typically ranges from ₱150,000 to ₱400,000, depending on the scale of your shop, the quality of equipment, and the location. This estimate includes costs for equipment, ingredients, permits, and marketing.

                Sari-sari stores are the heart of many Filipino neighborhoods, serving as a convenient go-to for daily essentials. These small, family-run stores contribute significantly to local economic growth by providing accessible goods at affordable prices and belong to the top small business ideas in the Philippines.

                In 2023, sari-sari stores in the Philippines achieved sales of PHP 8 billion, reflecting a 20% increase from the previous year. This indicates a strong recovery from the pandemic’s impact. Packworks’ data collected from over 200,000 sari-sari stores revealed 8.2 million transactions throughout the year, highlighting the continued importance of these neighborhood stores in Filipino communities.

                This blog aims to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with a comprehensive guide to setting up a successful sari-sari store in the Philippines, offering insights into everything from initial planning to daily operations.

                What Is a Sari-Sari Store?

                A sari-sari store is a small neighborhood retail shop in almost every corner of the Philippines. They are typically found in residential areas, serving as convenient spots for quick purchases.

                ‘Sari-sari’ means ‘mixed’ or ‘assorted.’ Sari-sari stores offer various products, from canned goods and snacks to personal care items and household essentials. Sometimes, you can also buy over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol, ibuprofen, or antacid tablets.

                Is a Sari-Sari Store a Good Business?

                Starting a sari-sari store can be a profitable business venture in the Philippines. With a relatively low initial investment, you can set up a store that caters to the daily needs of your community. The key to success lies in offering various products at competitive prices and maintaining good customer relationships. Sari-sari stores have a steady stream of loyal patrons, making them a reliable source of income, especially in densely populated areas.

                Paano Mag-Set Up ng Sari-Sari Store

                Setting up a sari-sari store is straightforward but requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are the steps to get you started:

                Humanap ng Magandang Location

                When choosing a location for your sari-sari store, consider a spot in a residential area near schools or transportation hubs. However, if renting or leasing a space is not feasible, starting a home-based sari-sari store is a practical option. Setting up a sari-sari store at home can be advantageous, especially if your residence is in a neighborhood with many households. Your proximity to your customers creates a convenient shopping option for them, encouraging repeat visits. 

                Kumuha ng Permit

                Secure the required permits from your local government to operate your sari-sari store legally. This includes a barangay clearance, business permit, and BIR registration.

                Maghanap ng Mapagkakatiwalaang Suppliers

                Find reliable suppliers who can offer you products at wholesale prices. Look for local distributors or visit public markets to get the best deals on your inventory. Ideally, your suppliers must be located near your sari-sari store, as this will reduce the expenses of commuting to wholesale stores whenever you need to replenish your stocks.

                Ayusin ang Store Layout

                Organize your store layout to maximize space and make it easy for customers to find what they need. Display high-demand items at eye level and keep your store clean and well-lit.

                Maglaan ng Budget

                Set aside a budget for your initial inventory, store setup, and emergency funds. Managing your finances carefully ensures you have enough capital to keep your store running smoothly. For a basic setup, you can start with a budget of ₱20,000 to ₱50,000, sufficient to cover fast-moving sari-sari store items and other essentials. 

                However, if you aim for a more extensive inventory, consider increasing your start-up capital from ₱70,000 to ₱100,000. This will allow you to offer a wider variety of goods in larger quantities, potentially attracting more customers and increasing your store’s profitability.

                Mga Produkto sa Sari-Sari Store

                mga produkto sa sari-sari store

                A sari-sari store offers diverse products catering to the community’s everyday needs. Here are some common items you’ll find:

                Canned Goods

                Canned goods like Century Tuna and 555 Sardines are staples in sari-sari stores for their long shelf life and convenience. They are essential for quick meal preparations, especially during emergencies or when fresh ingredients aren’t available. Canned meats and vegetables also provide affordable protein and nutrients, making them must-haves.


                Snacks such as Piattos, Chippy, and Nova are always in demand, particularly among children and young adults. These affordable treats are perfect for quick munching, making them bestsellers in any sari-sari store. Their variety—from chips to chocolates—ensures something for everyone, driving frequent purchases.


                Beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi and powdered drinks like Tang are essential items, particularly during hot days. They cater to a broad audience, from children needing refreshment after play to adults seeking a quick energy boost. Cold drinks are also a strong sales driver, especially in tropical climates.

                Personal Care Products

                Personal care items like soap (Safeguard), toothpaste (Colgate), and shampoo (Head & Shoulders) are necessities. These trusted brands are prevalent in every household, ensuring repeat customers. Stocking these items also positions the store as a one-stop shop for essential personal hygiene needs, increasing customer loyalty.

                Cellphone Load

                Cellphone load or e-load is a high-demand item in sari-sari stores, typically offered in denominations ranging from Php 10 to Php 500. A 5% to 15% discount attracts customers, making it a popular choice for quick purchases. These affordable amounts encourage high-volume sales and significantly boost profitability. Offering e-load is crucial, as most Filipinos rely on prepaid services.

                Game Top-Up Cards

                Game top-up cards are increasingly popular, especially among younger customers. These cards enable players to purchase in-game items, driving regular sales. With denominations ranging from PhP 50 to PhP 500, they are affordable and appealing, especially when offered at a slight discount, making them profitable for store owners.


                Over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol (Biogesic), cough syrup (Tuseran), and pain reliever (Medicol) offer quick relief for common ailments. Stocking these essentials is important for customers needing immediate access to medication. These medicines are often bought in small quantities, ensuring regular sales.


                Try to resell popular ice cream brands in the Philippines or make local desserts yourself. Desserts like ice cream, gelatin, and local treats like leche flan and ice candy are popular, especially for sweet tooth lovers. Offering a variety of desserts caters to different tastes and adds an element of indulgence to your product lineup. These items are especially in demand during festive occasions and summer. 

                How to Promote Your Sari-Sari Store Online?

                Here are different ways how you can create buzz for your sari-sari store using the internet.

                Leverage Social Media Platforms

                1. Create a Facebook Page: Create a Facebook page for your sari-sari store. Share updates, new products, and promotions regularly.
                2. Engage with the Community: Respond promptly to comments, messages, and inquiries. Engage with your followers by asking questions or running polls to encourage interaction.
                3. Use Visual Content: Post clear and appealing photos of your products. Use Facebook and Instagram stories to showcase daily deals or new arrivals.

                Use Local Online Marketplaces

                1. Join Local Online Marketplaces: List your products on local online selling platforms like Shopee, Lazada, or Facebook Marketplace.
                2. Promote Delivery Services: Offer local delivery options and promote this service online. If you need to accommodate more deliveries than you were starting, explore partnerships with delivery services of Grab, Lalamove, Joyride, or Angkas.

                Run Online Promotions

                1. Offer Discounts and Bundles: Announce special promotions, discounts, or bundle offers through social media and online marketplaces.
                2. Use Hashtags: To increase the visibility of your posts, use relevant hashtags like #SariSariStore, #LocalBusinessPH, and #SupportSmallBusiness.

                Engage with Local Influencers

                1. Collaborate with Micro-Influencers: Partner with local micro-influencers to promote your sari-sari store. They can help you reach a wider regional audience.
                2. Sponsor Giveaways: Host giveaways with influencers to boost your store’s online presence and attract new customers.

                Join Online Community Groups

                1. Participate in Local Facebook Groups: Share your sari-sari store’s promotions in local community groups. Ensure you follow group rules to avoid spamming.
                2. Promote in Buy and Sell Groups: Actively post your products in buy-and-sell groups that cater to your community.

                Mga Common Mistakes na Dapat Iwasan sa Pagtatayo ng Sari-Sari Store

                Avoid these common pitfalls when setting up your sari-sari store:

                Lack of Inventory Management

                Failing to manage inventory effectively can result in frequent stockouts, which may lead to lost sales or overstocking, which ties up capital and increases the risk of spoilage. Regularly monitoring your stock levels and updating your inventory system is crucial to maintaining a profitable balance.

                Poor Location Choice

                Selecting a location with minimal foot traffic or low visibility can significantly impact your store’s success. Sales can succeed with a steady flow of customers. Prioritize finding a spot that is easily accessible, visible from the street, and located in a community your target market frequents.

                Ignoring Customer Feedback

                Customer feedback provides valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in your store. Dismissing or neglecting complaints and suggestions can alienate your customer base and damage your reputation. Actively seeking and addressing customer feedback can improve services and stronger customer loyalty.

                Underpricing or Overpricing Products

                Setting prices with proper market research can be beneficial. Underpricing might attract customers initially but can severely cut into profits. On the other hand, overpricing may push potential customers away from competitors. Conduct thorough market research to determine a pricing strategy that balances profitability with customer expectations.

                Final Thoughts

                Setting up a sari-sari store is a rewarding venture that requires careful planning and a deep understanding of your community’s needs. By following these steps, you can build a successful store that generates income and serves as a vital resource for your neighborhood. Remember to continuously innovate and adapt to market trends to stay ahead in this competitive business.

                How much does it cost to open a sari-sari store in the Philippines?

                The initial cost to open a sari-sari store can range from PHP 20,000 to PHP 50,000, depending on the size and inventory.

                How much do sari-sari stores make in the Philippines?

                On average, a sari-sari store can make a daily profit of PHP 500 to PHP 2,000, depending on the location and customer base.

                Dropshipping is a business model that allows entrepreneurs to sell products without holding inventory. Instead, when a customer makes a purchase, the order is sent directly to a third-party supplier who ships the product to the customer. This model is ideal for those looking to start a business with minimal upfront investment, as it eliminates the need for warehousing and inventory management. 

                This article will guide you through the steps to start dropshipping in the Philippines, from finding a niche to marketing your store effectively.

                How Does Dropshipping Work?

                Dropshipping involves partnering with suppliers who handle inventory and shipping. When you receive an order, you forward it to the supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer. You earn by charging a higher price than the supplier’s cost. This model allows you to focus on marketing and customer service while the supplier manages the logistics.

                Steps on How to Dropship in the Philippines

                1. Find a Niche

                Identify a unique niche to target for your dropshipping business. Conduct keyword research using tools like Google Trends and Keyword Planner to discover popular search terms and trends. Explore platforms like AliExpress and Amazon to identify high-demand products. Focus on a niche with a passionate audience and consistent demand to increase the likelihood of success.

                2. Research Your Competitors

                Analyze your competitors’ websites, products, pricing, and marketing strategies to understand what works and where there are opportunities. Identify gaps in their offerings and areas where you can differentiate your business. This research helps you create a competitive edge and better position your brand.

                3. Find a Supplier

                Look for reliable suppliers who offer quality products and dependable shipping. Platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo, SaleHoo, Doba, and Alibaba are excellent resources for finding suppliers. Establishing a good relationship with a trustworthy supplier is crucial for maintaining product quality and ensuring customer satisfaction. 

                4. Select Products

                Choose products with high demand, good profit margins, and low competition. Focus on items that resonate with your target audience and offer unique value. Conduct thorough market research to ensure your selected products meet these criteria and align with your niche.

                5. Create Your Pricing Strategy

                Develop a pricing strategy that considers your costs, competitors’ prices, and the perceived value of your products. Set competitive prices that attract customers while ensuring profitability. Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy based on market trends and business performance.

                6. Build an E-commerce Store

                Set up your online store using dropshipping platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Wix, or Magento. These platforms offer user-friendly tools and templates to create a professional-looking store. Ensure your store is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. 

                7. Set Up Your Finances

                Open a business bank account and set up a payment gateway to manage transactions. Meticulously track your expenses and profits. Use accounting software to monitor your financial health and ensure you are making informed business decisions.

                8. Market the Dropshipping Business

                Utilize various marketing strategies to drive traffic to your store. Implement SEO to improve your search engine rankings, engage in social media marketing to connect with your audience, and use email marketing to nurture leads. Consider paid advertising to reach a broader audience and boost sales.

                Tips on How to Be Successful with Dropshipping

                man taking orders from a call

                Choose the Right Products

                Focus on trending, evergreen products that solve problems or meet specific needs. Use tools like Google Trends and niche forums to stay updated on market trends.

                Optimize Your Website

                Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and has fast loading times. A well-designed site enhances user experience and increases conversion rates.

                Invest in Quality Customer Service

                Provide excellent customer service by being responsive, handling complaints efficiently, and offering clear return and refund policies. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat buyers.

                Use Social Proof

                Display customer reviews and testimonials on your website. Positive feedback builds trust and encourages new customers to make purchases.

                Leverage Social Media

                Engage with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Create content that resonates with your target audience and promotes your products.

                Implement Email Marketing

                Build an email list and send regular newsletters with product updates, promotions, and valuable content. Personalized emails can significantly boost sales.

                Analyze and Adjust

                Use analytics tools to review your store’s performance regularly. Monitor key metrics like traffic, conversion rates, and average order value. Use this data to make informed decisions and improve your strategies.

                Why Do Dropshipping in the Philippines

                Dropshipping in the Philippines is an attractive business model due to the country’s growing e-commerce market and increasing internet penetration. With a young, tech-savvy population and a rising middle class, there’s a significant potential customer base. Starting a dropshipping business requires minimal investment, making it accessible for aspiring entrepreneurs. By leveraging local and international suppliers, you can offer a wide range of products without needing inventory, allowing you to focus on marketing and customer service.

                Starting a laundry business in the Philippines is promising due to the country’s growing urban population, busy lifestyles, and increasing demand for laundry services. With proper planning and execution, a laundry business can be a profitable and sustainable enterprise in urban and suburban areas.

                1. Prepare A Laundry Business Plan

                Preparation is key in starting your small business in the Philippines, especially if it is your first and you have no prior experience. A well-structured business plan is the foundation of any successful business. Outline your business goals, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies. This plan will guide your business decisions and help secure funding if needed. These are the most important parts of a business plan that you should prepare:

                • Executive Summary – This provides an overview of your business, including your mission statement, products/services, target market, and financial highlights. It’s a snapshot of your entire plan.
                • Business Description – This section details the nature of your business, the market needs, and its unique value proposition.
                • Market Analysis – This involves analyzing industry conditions, target market demographics, competitor landscape, and market trends to identify opportunities and threats.
                • Organization and Management – This outlines your business’s organizational structure, ownership details, and management team profiles.
                • Products and Services – This describes your products or services, including their features, benefits, and how they meet customer needs.
                • Marketing and Sales Strategy – This defines your marketing approach, sales strategy, pricing model, and promotional activities to attract and retain customers.
                • Operational Plan – This explains your business’s operational processes, location, facilities, technology, and equipment required for day-to-day operations.
                • Financial Plan – This projects your financial outlook, including income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, and break-even analysis to demonstrate profitability and funding needs.

                2. Choose a Brand Name

                Select a unique and catchy brand name that reflects your services and appeals to your target audience. Ensure the name is easy to remember, pronounce, and spell. A strong brand name helps in building brand recognition and trust among customers.

                3. Find a Location

                Choose a strategic location with high foot traffic and accessibility. Consider areas near residential communities, universities, or business districts. A visible and convenient location can significantly impact the success of your laundry business.

                4. Register Your Business

                To register your laundry business in the Philippines, start by choosing a business structure and registering your business name with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for sole proprietorships or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for partnerships and corporations. 

                Obtain necessary local permits, including a barangay clearance and a mayor’s permit, and register with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for tax purposes. Register with the SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG Fund to ensure compliance with social security, health insurance, and housing benefits. This process ensures legal compliance and builds customer confidence in your business.

                5. Make a Price List

                Create a competitive and attractive price list for your laundry services. Check nearby competitors’ prices to consider operating costs, target market, and pricing. Offering flexible pricing options and packages can attract a broader customer base. This strategy ensures your services are competitively priced and appealing to potential customers.

                6. Buy the Necessary Equipment

                front-load washing machines

                Invest in high-quality laundry equipment, including washing machines, dryers, ironing boards, and steam irons. Choose energy-efficient machines to reduce operating costs. Additionally, stock up on detergents, fabric softeners, and other essential supplies.

                7. Hire Employees

                Recruit reliable and skilled employees to handle day-to-day operations. Provide proper training on using equipment, handling customer inquiries, and maintaining service quality. A well-trained team ensures efficient and satisfactory service delivery.

                How to Market Your Laundry Business

                Create a Social Media Presence

                Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your laundry services. Share engaging content, customer testimonials, and special promotions to attract and retain customers.

                Offer Promotions and Discounts

                Offer introductory discounts, loyalty programs, or referral bonuses to attract new customers. Special promotions can encourage repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

                Distribute Flyers and Brochures

                Distribute flyers and brochures in nearby residential areas, schools, and offices. Highlight your services, contact details, and any special offers to catch the attention of potential customers.

                Partner with Local Businesses

                Collaborate with local businesses such as dormitories, apartment complexes, and offices. Offer special rates or partnership deals to secure a steady stream of customers.

                Use Online Listings

                List your laundry business on online directories and local business listings. Ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date to improve visibility and attract online searches.


                How much does it cost to start a laundry business in the Philippines? 

                Depending on the scale and location, starting a laundry business in the Philippines can cost between PHP 500,000 and PHP 1,000,000. This includes expenses for equipment, rent, permits, and initial operating costs.

                Which is a better option: top-load or front-load washing machines?

                Front-load washing machines are generally more efficient and have a higher capacity than top-load machines. Despite the higher initial investment, they use less water and detergent, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.

                How long will you get ROI?

                A laundry business’s return on investment (ROI) typically ranges from 1 to 3 years. This depends on initial investment, operating costs, pricing strategy, and customer volume. Proper management and effective marketing can shorten the ROI period.

                Running a small business in the Philippines is an excellent idea due to the country’s growing economy, supportive government policies, and a large, young population eager for innovative products and services. Filipinos have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, making the environment ripe for small business ventures. 

                Additionally, the low cost of living and affordable labor make starting and sustaining a business easier. Whether you want to supplement your income or pursue your passion, starting a small business can offer financial stability and personal fulfillment. Here are some small business ideas you can explore.

                21 Patok na Negosyo Ngayong 2024

                Laundry Shop Business

                laundry shop

                Photo from E&J Laundry

                Start-up cost: ₱250,000 – ₱500,000

                Things that you need: Commercial washing machines, dryers, detergents, fabric softeners, and a rental space.

                A laundry shop offers washing, drying, and sometimes ironing services. It’s a staple in busy urban areas where residents lack time or space for laundry. Putting up a laundry business in the Philippines is a good venture. With the rise of condominiums and apartments, the demand for laundry services is consistently high. Laundry shops can cater to individual customers, small businesses, and even local hotels.

                Sari-Sari Store

                Start-up cost: ₱20,000 – ₱50,000

                Things that you need: Shelving, basic inventory of goods, and a small space, preferably at home.

                A sari-sari store is a small neighborhood convenience store that sells everyday essentials, from snacks to household items. It is a one-stop-shop for community members, making it an essential part of Filipino culture. Start your sari-sari store in the Philippines now, as this requires capital as low as ₱20,000. Sari-sari stores thrive in residential areas, providing convenience and fostering community relationships.

                Cellphone Loading Business

                Start-up cost: ₱5,000 – ₱10,000

                Things that you need: A mobile phone, a load retailer SIM card, and initial load credits.

                This business involves selling prepaid loads for mobile phones, a necessity in a country with a large mobile user base. With the widespread use of mobile phones for communication, social media, and online transactions, the demand for prepaid loads remains high. It’s a low-cost business that can be easily integrated with other small businesses.

                Ukay-Ukay Business


                Photo from Jomaira Collection Ukay Ukay

                Start-up cost: ₱50,000 – ₱200,000

                Things that you need: Second-hand goods supplier, display racks, and retail space.

                An ukay-ukay store sells second-hand clothes, shoes, and accessories at affordable prices, catering to budget-conscious shoppers. With the growing awareness of sustainable fashion, ukay-ukay shops are becoming more popular. These stores can source products from various suppliers, including imports from other countries.

                Reseller Business

                Start-up cost: ₱10,000 – ₱100,000

                Things that you need: Reliable suppliers, an online platform, and marketing skills.

                Reselling involves buying products in bulk at a lower price and selling them at a profit, typically online. This flexible business model can cater to various niches like fashion, electronics, and beauty products. Resellers often use social media platforms and e-commerce websites to reach a broader audience.

                Carinderia Business

                Start-up Cost: ₱30,000 – ₱100,000

                Things that you need: Cooking utensils, ingredients, and a small dining area.

                A carinderia is a small eatery that offers affordable Filipino home-cooked meals, ideal for busy individuals. Carinderias are commonly found in urban areas, serving workers and students who prefer budget-friendly and quick meals. The variety of dishes and the homey atmosphere make carinderias a local favorite.

                Lugaw Business

                Start-up Cost: ₱10,000 – ₱30,000

                Things that you need: Cooking equipment, rice, meat, and condiments.

                Selling lugaw (rice porridge) is popular in the Philippines, especially during rainy seasons and cold weather. Lugaw is a versatile dish served plain or with toppings like chicken, pork, and boiled eggs. It’s a comforting and affordable meal that appeals to all ages.

                Palamig Recipe for Business

                Start-up cost: ₱5,000 – ₱20,000

                Things that you need: Ingredients, large containers, and a stall or mobile setup.

                Palamig, or chilled drinks, are a hit in tropical climates. They include sago’t gulaman, buko juice, and other sweet beverages. These refreshing drinks are popular in public markets, schools, and busy streets, especially during hot weather.

                Milk Tea Business

                milk tea shop

                Photo from I Love Milk tea

                Start-up cost: ₱150,000 – ₱500,000

                Things that you need: Tea leaves, milk, flavorings, cups, and a storefront. 

                Milk tea shops have become increasingly popular, offering various flavors and customizable options. This trend, driven by younger consumers, shows no signs of slowing down. Milk tea shops often become social hubs where people gather to enjoy their favorite drinks and socialize. Put your plan into action now and start your milk tea business.

                Meat Shop Business

                Start-up cost: ₱100,000 – ₱300,000

                Things that you need: Freezers, weighing scales, and a consistent supply of meat products.

                A meat shop sells fresh and frozen meats, catering to daily household needs. Meat shops are essential in every community, providing a convenient source of protein for families. They often offer a variety of meats, including pork, beef, chicken, and seafood.

                Bakery Business

                bakery shop

                Photo from ST Lucido Bakery

                Start-up cost: ₱50,000 – ₱200,000

                Things that you need: Ovens, baking ingredients, and a display area

                A bakery offers a variety of breads, pastries, and cakes, a staple in Filipino households. Bakeries can cater to both everyday needs and special occasions, making them a versatile business. The aroma of freshly baked goods often attracts customers, creating a loyal customer base.

                Salon Business


                Start-up cost: ₱100,000 – ₱500,000

                Things that you need: Salon chairs, styling tools, and beauty products.

                A salon provides haircuts, styling, and beauty treatments for both men and women. It is a go-to place for personal grooming and self-care, often offering additional services like nail care and massages. With the right skills and marketing, a salon can build a strong reputation and customer loyalty.

                Bike Shop Business

                Start-up cost: ₱100,000 – ₱300,000

                Things that you need: Bicycles, repair tools, and a display area.

                A bike shop sells bicycles and related accessories, catering to fitness enthusiasts and eco-conscious commuters. Biking has become a popular activity with the growing emphasis on health and sustainability. Bike shops can also offer repair services, further increasing their revenue streams.

                Food Cart Franchise Business

                Start-up cost: ₱30,000 – ₱300,000

                Things that you need: Franchise agreement, cart, and initial inventory.

                Food cart franchises offer popular snacks and meals in high-traffic areas, providing brand recognition and support. This business model is appealing due to its low start-up cost and the backing of an established brand. Food carts are versatile and can be placed in malls, schools, and busy streets.

                Ice Candy Business

                Start-up cost ₱5,000 – ₱15,000

                Things that you need: Freezers, molds, and flavoring ingredients.

                Selling ice candy and frozen treats in various flavors is an affordable business in high demand, especially among children. Ice candy is easy to make and can be sold in schools, parks, and neighborhoods. This business is trendy during the summer months.

                Water Refilling Station Business

                water refilling station

                Photo from MB WATER REFILLING STATION

                Start-up cost: ₱500,000 – ₱1,000,000

                Things that you need: Filtration equipment, water containers, and a refilling station.

                A water refilling station sells purified drinking water, addressing the need for safe, clean water. This business is crucial in areas where tap water quality is not reliable. Water stations often offer home delivery services, adding convenience for customers.

                Rice Retailing Business

                Start-up cost: ₱50,000 – ₱200,000

                Things that you need: Rice storage bins, weighing scales, and a reliable rice supplier.

                Rice retailing involves selling various types of rice, a staple food in the Philippines. This business is essential in every community, providing different rice varieties to meet customer preferences. It requires minimal space and can be easily managed.

                Hardware Business

                hardware shop

                Start-up cost: ₱500,000 – ₱1,500,000

                Things that you need: Inventory of tools and materials, shelving, and retail space.

                A hardware store sells construction materials and tools, catering to homeowners and contractors. This business is essential in areas experiencing development and construction. Offering a wide range of products and knowledgeable staff can set a hardware store apart from competitors.

                Carwash Business

                Start-up cost: ₱100,000 – ₱500,000

                Things that you need: Pressure washers, cleaning agents, and a location with a water supply.

                A carwash provides cleaning services for vehicles, a necessity for car owners. Carwashes can offer various services, from basic washing to complete detailing. They can be set up in busy areas or near residential communities to attract regular customers.

                Tshirt Printing Business

                Start-up cost: ₱50,000 – ₱200,000

                Things that you need: Printing equipment, blank t-shirts, and design software.

                This business involves printing custom designs on T-shirts and catering to individuals and businesses. T-shirt printing is popular for events, marketing campaigns, and personal use. With the right equipment and creative designs, this business can tap into a broad market.

                Ihaw-Ihaw Business

                ihaw-ihaw stall

                Start-up cost: ₱20,000 – ₱100,000

                Things that you need: Grill, skewers, and marinated meats.

                Ihaw-ihaw stalls sell grilled meats, a popular street food in the Philippines. These stalls are a favorite among Filipinos for their flavorful and affordable grilled dishes. They thrive in busy streets, markets, and night bazaars, attracting locals and tourists.

                Final Thoughts

                Starting a small business in the Philippines can be both rewarding and profitable. With a range of options to suit various budgets and interests, aspiring entrepreneurs have numerous opportunities to explore. There is something for everyone, from essential services like laundry shops and sari-sari stores to trendy ventures like milk tea shops and t-shirt printing businesses. Choose a company that aligns with your passion and skills to ensure long-term success. Investing time in market research, planning, and understanding your target audience will significantly increase your chances of thriving in the competitive landscape.

                Being a student is fantastic, but let’s not sugarcoat it – student life can also be financially challenging. School requirements, rent, and that never-ending coffee run – it all adds up.

                This isn’t just about earning extra cash for that new pair of sneakers – but, who wouldn’t love that? A well-chosen side hustle can be more than just a moneymaker. It gives you a chance to develop valuable skills, build your resume, and explore career paths you might not have considered.

                In this blog, we’ll list some practical and flexible side hustle for students that you may get interested in.


                Dropshipping allows you to run an online store without holding inventory. You sell products through your e-commerce site, and when a customer purchases, the product is shipped directly from the supplier. It’s a low-risk way to start an online business with minimal upfront investment. Shopify, Alibaba, and AliExpress are some websites where you can run your dropshipping business.

                Get Paid by Watching Ads, Playing Games, or Taking Surveys

                Several platforms pay users to watch ads, play games, or complete surveys. While the income might not be substantial, it’s a simple way to make extra money during downtime or studying. You can sign up for multiple platforms at a time. Completing different tasks on several sites allows you to earn more at your own pace.

                Be an Online Tutor

                Online tutor and student

                Share your knowledge and help others by offering tutoring services online. Whether it’s academic subjects or test preparation, online tutoring is a flexible way to earn money and build your teaching skills. You can teach English to foreign students or help college students accomplish their homework on websites like Course Hero.

                Freelance Writing

                If you have a knack for writing, freelance writing can be a lucrative side hustle. Writing articles, blogs, or sales copies for various clients is a great way to improve your writing skills while earning money. Your starting point would be to look for clients on remote job sites like Upwork, Online Jobs PH, and Fiverr.



                Proofreading involves checking written content for errors and making corrections. If you have a keen eye for detail and strong grammar skills, this side hustle can be a good fit and provides flexible working hours.

                Sell Stock Photos

                If you enjoy photography, selling stock photos online can be a profitable side hustle. Simply upload photos to stock photography websites and earn money whenever someone downloads them. Focus on capturing high-demand subjects and trending visuals to maximize your earning potential. 

                Be a Social Media Manager

                Many businesses seek help with managing their social media profiles. As a social media manager, you can create content, schedule posts, and engage with followers, all from the comfort of your home.

                Be a Virtual Assistant

                Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Tasks may include scheduling, email management, and data entry. Virtual assistants usually have a flexible work schedule, which is perfect for students who have staggered schedules..

                Be a Transcriptionist

                Transcriptionists convert audio recordings into written text. This side hustle requires good listening and typing skills, and can be challenging to master at the start. However, it can be done from anywhere and offers flexible working hours. If you are that student who has excellent attention to detail and a strong work ethic, then this gig is for you.

                Be a Freelance Web Designer

                web designer’s laptop

                If you have skills in web design, you can offer your services to create or enhance websites for clients. This side hustle allows you to work on diverse projects and build a strong portfolio. It’s an excellent choice for students because it offers flexible hours that can fit around your class schedule. To get started, you’ll need a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and basic graphic design skills. Additionally, having a reliable computer and internet connection is essential for managing your projects and communicating with clients effectively.

                Be a Freelance Graphic Designer

                Graphic designers create visual content for clients, including logos, brochures, and social media graphics. If you have a creative flair and design skills, freelancing in this field can be enjoyable and profitable. You’ll need proficiency in design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to succeed. Additionally, having a high-quality computer, a reliable internet connection, and a graphics tablet can significantly enhance your productivity and the quality of your work.

                Start a Vlog

                Starting a vlog on platforms like YouTube allows you to share your interests, hobbies, or experiences with an audience. With engaging content and consistent posting, you can earn money through ad revenue and sponsorships.

                Start a Blog

                Blogging involves writing about topics you’re passionate about and sharing them with a broader audience. With the right niche and monetization strategies, blogging can generate income through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts. The easiest way to set up a blog is using platforms like WordPress or Squarespace, which offer user-friendly templates and tools. These platforms allow you to get started quickly without needing extensive technical knowledge, enabling you to focus on creating content and growing your audience.

                Sell Products Online

                Use e-commerce platforms like Lazada or Shopee to sell products. The earning potential of selling products online can be substantial. With the right product selection and competitive pricing, you can attract a steady stream of customers. Effective marketing strategies, such as leveraging social media and optimizing product listings for search engines, can further boost your sales. Many successful sellers start small but eventually scale their operations, sometimes turning their side hustle into a full-time, lucrative business.

                Rider or Delivery Driver

                Grab delivery

                Working as a rider or delivery driver for services like Grab or FoodPanda allows you to earn money by delivering food or packages. This side hustle offers flexible hours and can be an excellent way to stay active. Be sure to prepare the complete list of requirements for faster onboarding process.

                Related Articles: GrabCar Requirements in the Philippines, FoodPanda Rider Requirements, Angkas Rider Application

                Be a Data Entry Clerk

                Data entry clerks input information into databases or spreadsheets. This straightforward job requires attention to detail and offers the flexibility to work from home or in an office setting. It’s an ideal side hustle for students because it often doesn’t require specialized skills beyond basic computer literacy and typing. Additionally, the flexible hours allow students to work around their class schedules and study commitments. This job can also provide a steady income stream without demanding too much mental or physical effort, making it easier to balance with academic responsibilities.


                Babysitting provides a chance to earn extra money while helping out families. It requires responsibility and patience but offers flexible hours and can be a rewarding way to make some extra cash. To find clients, you can start by offering your services to family and friends or through word-of-mouth recommendations. Additionally, you can join local community groups on social media platforms, such as Facebook, or sign up for babysitting websites and apps like Pinoyaya.

                Considerations When Choosing a Side Hustle While Schooling

                Time Commitment: Ensure the side hustle fits your academic schedule and other commitments. A flexible job or one with adjustable hours may work best for balancing your studies and work.

                Skill Requirements: Choose a side hustle that aligns with your skills or interests. Leveraging your existing talents can make the work more enjoyable and lead to better performance.

                Earning Potential: Consider the potential income of the side hustle and whether it meets your financial goals or not. Some side hustles may offer higher pay but require more time or specialized skills.

                Work Environment: Consider whether you prefer working from home or in a more social setting. Some side hustles offer remote work options, while others may require an on-site presence.

                Growth Opportunities: Look for side hustles that provide opportunities for growth or skill development. Experience and portfolio building can enhance your resume and future job prospects.

                Key Takeaway

                With a bit of research and effort, you can find the perfect side hustle that not only boosts your bank account but also complements your studies and interests. This can lead to a more fulfilling and energizing experience, and you might be surprised at the valuable skills and experiences you gain.

                Consider side hustles as a way of investing early in yourself. It’s a chance to build a well-rounded skillset, expand your network, and gain meaningful insights into your future career aspirations.

                So, don’t just pick any side hustle—choose one that will empower your academic journey and set you on a fulfilling professional life.

                With temperatures getting hotter and hotter in the Philippines, Filipinos are often looking for ways to escape the heat. 

                One increasingly popular solution? Cold brew coffee. This refreshing alternative to hot coffee has surged in demand, presenting an opportunity for entrepreneurs eager to explore the world of beverage businesses. 

                In this guide, we’ll share eight essential steps to help you kickstart your cold brew coffee business.

                1. Determine how you will sell coffee 

                The first thing that comes into one’s mind for selling coffee is to put up a cafe. Starting a cafe requires significant capital investment and entails considerable risk. Beyond the charm of serving coffee in a cozy ambiance lies the reality of hefty initial expenditures. From securing a suitable location and acquiring commercial-grade equipment to hiring trained baristas and marketing your brand, the costs can quickly escalate. 

                Unlike before, you don’t need a brick-and-mortar store to sell cold-brew coffee. Coffee startups have expanded into several types to make it easier for beginners to start their cold-brew coffee business. You have the option to use a vehicle (coffee truck), sell via weekly pop-ups, or do a cloud cafe. 

                Coffee Truck or Coffee Jeep

                Going mobile means you’ll have to spend for a customized truck or coffee jeep if you don’t have a readily available car. A cheaper option would be using second-hand or repossessed cars because it will lessen the initial expenses involved. 

                Pop-up Coffee Shop

                The Coffee Crates, a pop-up coffee shop
                The Coffee Crates, a pop-up coffee shop

                A pop-up coffee shop offers versatility and affordability when launching a coffee business. Unlike traditional coffee shops, this type of store doesn’t have a fixed location. Instead, it operates in various areas with high foot traffic, such as fairs, festivals, and train and bus stations, providing ample opportunities for engagement with potential customers.

                Cloud Kitchen

                A cloud kitchen, also known as a “ghost kitchen” or “virtual kitchen,” is a professional cooking space where food businesses can make meals specifically for delivery and takeout. Unlike regular restaurants, cloud kitchens don’t have dine-in areas. Instead, they focus solely on preparing food to be delivered or picked up. In the Philippines, these kitchens often partner with GrabFood or Foodpanda.

                2. Find a Location

                However you want to sell your coffee, having a good business location is essential. So the next step is to scout for a location that will help your brand become more visible and accessible to buyers. Here are some considerations in selecting a location for your coffee business. 

                Heavy foot traffic 

                Whether you are putting up a traditional coffee shop or a coffee truck, you need a spot with high foot traffic to make your coffee accessible to buyers. Examples of high foot traffic areas are near public parks, markets, and community spaces. Target places where most people pass by. 

                Operating schedule 

                Match your operating schedule when most people look for coffee. People often buy coffee for a morning boost, which is at around 9 am. In the afternoon, between 1 pm and 5 pm, when cortisol levels naturally dip, you could expect more people dropping by into your cafe or coffee jeep.

                Delivery services 

                If you decided to start a cloud kitchen, it would be easier to have a location because you can operate even in your place of residence. Despite this convenience, you also need to consider your proximity to your target customers. Shipping to places that would take 1 hour to 2 hours of delivery time might charge customers higher delivery fees and force them to wait longer. These factors typically discourage customers from placing an order.

                3. Choose what type of coffee bean you will use

                Arabica Beans

                These beans, making up around 60% of the world’s coffee, grow in high areas with steady rain. They’re popular for their lively taste and acidity, sometimes with complex flavors and scents.

                Robusta Beans

                Second in popularity to Arabica, Robusta plants are tough and can grow in various altitudes, even lowlands like those in Southern Tagalog in the Philippines. They contain more caffeine than Arabica but offer a smooth taste, especially enjoyable with cream and sugar.

                Liberica Beans

                Also known as Kapeng Barako locally, Liberica is less common now but played a big role historically when coffee rust hit the industry. It has a strong, chocolaty, and smoky flavor, with spicy undertones that some might find overpowering.

                Excelsa Beans

                Only 7% of the world’s coffee is Excelsa, grown mostly in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. Often used in blends for added complexity, Excelsa offers a tart and fruity flavor with hints of mild roast and smokiness, appealing to coffee lovers worldwide.

                4. Decide your menu offerings

                il mio coffee menu
                Menu of il mio coffee

                Espresso, steamed milk, and froth are the key ingredients in many coffee drinks, with various types available at your mobile shop. Additional toppings can be added based on your customers’ preferences. Here are some examples:


                A popular choice, requiring slightly over 1 ounce of concentrated coffee.

                Double Espresso (Doppio)

                A highly concentrated beverage suitable for coffee enthusiasts.


                Made by diluting one shot of espresso with three ounces of hot water, often enjoyed as a breakfast beverage.


                Espresso “marked” with a dash of steamed milk, creating a distinct flavor.


                A rich coffee beverage with thick foam, often enjoyed for breakfast and associated with comfort and indulgence.

                Cafe Latte

                A milder coffee drink with added milk to reduce acidity and bitterness, sometimes sweetened with flavored syrups.


                Combines coffee with hot chocolate, offering a creamy taste with the addition of cocoa powder or syrup to balance the espresso’s acidity.

                5. Work on your branding

                Starting a cold-brew coffee business requires careful consideration, especially in a saturated market. One crucial aspect is the design of your cold-brew coffee container, as it can significantly impact consumer choice. Factors such as color, shape, and lid closure should be thoughtfully considered to make your product stand out on the shelves. 

                Additionally, crafting an eye-catching logo and memorable tagline can help create brand recognition and attract customers. Ensuring consistency across all marketing materials is crucial for building brand identity. If the creative process feels overwhelming, seeking professional help for design and creative services can ensure a polished brand image. 

                6. Calculate your starting capital

                The first 5 steps we mentioned are important because they will determine the initial amount of money you need to prepare to start a cold brew coffee business. 

                This entails estimating the initial expenses required to launch your business. Factors to consider include:

                1. Equipment costs (such as coffee brewing equipment, storage containers, and vehicles for mobile operations)
                2. Ingredient costs (coffee beans, milk, flavorings)
                3. Marketing expenses (branding, advertising, website development)
                4. Licensing and permits
                5. Utility costs
                6. Manpower costs

                7. Build partnerships with trusted suppliers

                Many coffee bean producers who are not yet popular in the market provide reasonably-priced high-quality beans. Once you’ve started your cold brew business, take time to join weekend markets because this is where you will most likely meet them. By establishing relationships with these suppliers, you can ensure a steady and consistent quality of beans at a lower cost.

                8. Prepare to be a jack-of-all-trades

                As a startup owner, you’ll need to wear many hats and handle various responsibilities, even before launching your product. This includes making decisions about your brand’s image and ensuring the quality of your products. From bottling your cold brew to getting it into the marketplace, there will be a lot to manage. 

                Your vision should include strategies for managing the company’s growth. Whether you’re starting small or aiming for expansion, it’s crucial to set clear goals from the outset. 

                Key Takeaway

                The demand for cold brew coffee presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs, but success depends on thorough preparation and execution. By following the eight essential steps outlined in this guide, aspiring cold brew coffee business owners can launch their venture.

                From determining the sales approach and selecting the right coffee beans to crafting a compelling menu and establishing a strong brand identity, each step plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for success. Additionally, calculating the starting capital and building partnerships with trusted suppliers are vital aspects that contribute to the business’s sustainability and growth.

                As a startup owner, it’s essential to be prepared to handle multiple responsibilities and make informed decisions to ensure the business’s success. By staying organized, setting clear goals, and remaining adaptable to market trends and consumer preferences, entrepreneurs can position their cold brew coffee business for long-term viability and profitability.

                From generation to generation, Filipinos have always been urged to save. The concept of ‘kapag may isunusuksok, may madudukot’ shows how money is valued in our culture. As financial literacy was slowly introduced to the Philippines, Filipinos looked for smarter ways to save, the most popular concept being ‘let your money earn for you.’

                The need for banks that ‘made your money earn’ gave rise to digital banks. BSP wants at least 70% Filipinos to have their bank account, which they can’t easily have because of too many bank requirements including valid ID. Because of this motivation from BSP, Filipinos are also encouraged to save and help manage their finances better. 

                If saving is your number one priority this year, save this blog post discussing the best digital banks in the Philippines with high-interest rates. 

                RCBC Diskartech

                RCBC Diskartech savings

                Launched in July 1, 2020, RCBC Diskartech is RCBC’s multi-lingual financial inclusion that can be used in Tagalog or Cebuano languages and is the first of its kind in the Philippines. 

                Interest RateFull Basic and Community Basic Deposit Accounts both offer 6.5% annual interest
                Perks Includes TeleKonsulta and Telemedicine plan for budget-friendly consultations and medicines.
                New Account RequirementsOne valid ID (options are provided in their app)Active mobile numberSelfie verificationPersonal info
                PromosThey offer cashback options when shopping in Shopee, Lazada, or Zalora. 
                Unlimited Telekonsulta credits for a 50-peso monthly subscription
                Other promos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store Apple App Store


                CIMB virtual card

                CIMB Group Holdings Berhad is a bank from Malaysia that operates in fast-growing economies in the ASEAN region.

                CIMB Bank Philippines Inc. is a significant milestone for CIMB as it expands its presence across ASEAN. Established in December 2018 and based in Bonifacio Global City, CIMB Philippines offers a fully digital banking experience. Account opening takes only 10 minutes through the mobile app. They offer competitive interest rates for savings accounts, no transaction fees, no initial deposit, or minimum balance requirements. 

                Interest RateUpSave accounts offer an annual interest rate of 2.5%.
                GSave accounts provide an annual interest rate of 2.6%.
                Time Deposit accounts holding ₱10,000 for six months earn a 6.5% annual interest rate.
                Time Deposit accounts holding ₱10,000 for 12 months earn a 7.0% annual interest rate.
                Time Deposit accounts holding ₱10,000 for 24 months earn a 7.5% annual interest rate.
                Perks Complimentary virtual debit card.No charges for transactions between CIMB and other banks.
                New Account RequirementsGCash user needs to have a verified account.
                For UpSave, you’ll need to provide your mobile number, one valid ID, and personal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery, and  Apple App Store

                GOTyme Bank

                GoTyme card

                GoTyme Bank is a collaboration between Tyme, a digital banking group operating in multiple countries, and members of the Gokongwei Group, including Robinsons Bank, Robinsons Land Corporation, and Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. In January 2024, BPI acquired 20 percent of GoTyme as part of its merger with Robinsons Bank Corp. However, due to significant overlap in and similarity of product offerings between BPI and GoType, BPI divested its 15-percent stake in Gokongwei-backed GoTyme Bank Corp., which is still subject to BSP’s approval.

                Accessing their services starts with an easy account opening process via GoTyme Bank that takes less than 5 minutes to open an account using a free app or by getting a free personalized Visa ATM Debit card from kiosks manned by Bank Ambassadors in Robinsons Retail locations across the country.

                Interest RateGoSave accounts earn 4% annually
                Perks Visa and BancNet supported free debit cardNo fees for withdrawing or depositing at Robinson-affiliated stores.No withdrawal fees at Robinson Bank ATMs.
                New Account RequirementsPhilippine-issued IDMobile numberPersonal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store and  Apple App Store

                UnionDigital Bank

                UBEH (Union Digital Bank)

                UnionDigital Bank is a licensed digital bank authorized by the BSP, operating as a subsidiary of UnionBank of the Philippines and affiliated with the Aboitiz Group. It is also called the UBEH Bank because of its violet color scheme that is associated with the famous Filipino root crop, ube. 

                Interest RateSavings Accounts earn 4% annually.UD Time Deposit Accounts earn 6.75% annually.
                Perks No transfer fees for PESONet transactions to other banks and e-wallets.
                New Account RequirementsOne valid IDMobile numberPersonal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery and  Apple App Store

                Maya Bank

                Maya Bank is the online banking division of Voyager Innovations, a top technology company in the Philippines. Together with Voyager’s fintech arm, Maya Philippines, they’re building Maya, the country’s sole comprehensive digital financial services platform.

                As a groundbreaking digital bank, Maya Bank is reshaping the financial landscape for Filipino consumers and small businesses by offering innovative and practical financial solutions, including savings, deposits, and credit services through the Maya platform.

                Interest RatePersonal Goals Accounts: Earn 4% interest per year.Savings Accounts: Enjoy a 10% annual interest rate.Business Deposit Accounts: Get a 2.5% yearly interest rate.Time Deposit Accounts: Earn 6% interest per year.
                Perks No cash-in fee from Maya Wallet to Maya Bank.
                New Account RequirementsOne valid IDMobile numberSelfie verificationPersonal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery and  Apple App Store


                UNO Digital Bank is the first full-spectrum digital bank in Southeast Asia licensed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. It’s among the six digital banks authorized by the BSP. Deposits in UNO Digital Bank are insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) for up to P500,000 per depositor.

                Interest RateUNOReady Account offers an annual interest rate of 4.25%.UNOBoost Time Deposit Account and UNOEarn Time Deposit Account both provide an annual interest rate of 6.5%.Note: GCash’s GSave can be linked to the UNO App, offering the same interest rates.
                Perks Receive a complimentary Mastercard virtual card.No transaction fees at over 7,500 partner outlets.
                New Account RequirementsOne valid IDMobile numberPersonal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


                Seabank savings

                SeaBank Philippines, Inc. (A Rural Bank) is affiliated with Sea Limited (NYSE: SE), a worldwide consumer internet firm established and based in Singapore, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. SeaBank Philippines Inc. (A Rural Bank) operates under the regulation of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Deposits in SeaBank Philippines are insured by the PDIC for up to P500,000 per depositor.

                Interest Rate350,000 – below (4.5% per annum)350,000 – above (3.0% per annum)
                Perks Transfer funds for free to SeaBank accounts.Enjoy free transfers via InstaPay and PESONet.Interest is credited daily.
                New Account RequirementsOne valid IDMobile numberPersonal details
                PromosPromos change monthly so it’s best to always check their website.
                How to DownloadAvailable in Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery and  Apple App Store

                Key Takeaway

                With the increasing popularity of digital banking in the Philippines, numerous options are available to cater to various financial needs. Among the leading digital banks offering competitive interest rates and convenient features are RCBC Diskartech, CIMB, GoTyme Bank, UnionDigital Bank, Maya Bank, UNO Digital Bank, and SeaBank Philippines, Inc. 

                Each of these digital banks provides unique perks, such as free virtual cards, no transaction fees, and high interest rates on savings and time deposit accounts. 

                With simple requirements for opening an account and easy access through mobile apps, these digital banks offer Filipinos efficient and accessible banking solutions. Exploring these options and choosing the one that best fits your financial goals and preferences is essential.